Terms of Use & Disclaimer

Terms of Use


To accomplish our mission of making low carb(ketogenic diet) consumption simple, we provide visitors with the knowledge, the best tools and inspiration we believe will benefit the most people. Although we do our best to provide reliable and informative material, we cannot and make no representations or warranties concerning the content of our site. Use of our site and other services is at your own risk.

The information we provide on greatfoodforall.com not meant to replace consultation with a qualified healthcare professional. Ask the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider with any questions/issues you may have regarding in your health condition.

The content we provide not intended to be relied on for medical diagnosis or treatment. Let your doctor know and discuss any changes you might make in your lifestyle. Do not disregard medical advice or delay a visit to a healthcare professional because of something you read on our site, or others like our social media.

For questions or concerns regarding any medical conditions, you may have, please contact your doctor.

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greatfoodforall.com uses Google Analytics as a third-party tracking service, but we do not use it to track you individually or to collect personal information. We use Google Analytics to collect information about the performance of our website and how our users, in general, browse and use Diet Doctor. This helps us to assess the use of Great Food For All by our users; compile statistical reports on the activity; and improve our content and the performance of our website.

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Moderators, members, and anyone who comments should conduct themselves at all times with respect and honesty. Personal attacks are not allowed.

By using the comments section of Great Food For All, you agree to post truthful and correct information to the best of your knowledge and consistent with your personal experience.

If the information you post is not from your own experience, we ask that you provide sources (references, links, etc.) whenever relevant and possible. All statements about statistics, data, studies, and new medical advancements must come from reliable sources.

You are not allowed to post any advertisements, for example in the form of text links or banners.
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